Multi-select option set for power apps or D365 portal * Create an attribute with a single line of text. Option set values will be saved in comma-separated in the text field created. For example: new_multiselectoption (Schema name of the attribute created.) * Use below javascript on the entity form custom javascript // JavaScript source code var multiSelectOption = $('#new_multiselectoption'); multiSelectOption.hide(); var multiselect = $('<select multiple><option value="860240000">Azure Fundamentals(AZ - 900)</option><option value="860240001">Azure AI Fundamentals(AI - 900)</option></select><option value="860240002">"Azure Data Fundamentals(DP - 900)</option></select><option value="860240003">Azure AI Fundamentals(AI - 900)</option></select><option value="860240004">Dynamics365 Fundamentals(MB - 901)</option></select>'); multis...
Ask: I (John) have a school(Account: Cornell University) for which John is a contact. This is OOB relation between Contact(John) and Account(Cornell University). Upon login into the powerapps portal, the account to which John belongs should be auto-populated. Solution: Below query will get the account details with which the user belongs. Then it can be used to set the value to the account lookup. Code Below < script type = "text/javascript" > $(document).ready( function (){ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Update account lookup in course level {% fetchxml queryAccount %} <fetch version= "1.0" output-format= "xml-platform" mapping= "logical" distinct= "true" > <entity name= "account" > <attribute name= "name" /> <attribute name= "accountid" /> <link-entity name= "contact" from = "parent...